Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Well, I woke up super early this morning to grab me that free drink at Jamba Juice and traffic early in the morning wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Orange Mango Passion, although 14 oz. came out to be wayyy smaller than I thought, was a great addition to the breakfast of champz (leftover pizza baby)! Along with that, from the comfort of my bedroom, I watched Cloverfield for the first time off of a dvd rip, which was pretty bad ass. The ending wasn't as bad ass. It was just too vague about the whole cloverfield monster thing, but whatever. I got to hang out with Romeo the rest of the day, walked around the mall, scoped out some clothes, Best Buy, and then Redondo pier. Fuck this blog, I can't believe I just typed this whole paragraph about my day. I feel lame now, that was the biggest crock of shit, and I think I'm prolly gonna stick to posting more phone pics than actually typing everything out. "Wow, Jon, you're so lame!"

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