Monday, March 2, 2009

I've switched..

over to Tumblr. Supposedly it's better than Blogger, so I'm trying it out for the meantime. So far, I've found it pretty dang easy to use. Not to mention, it looks way better, as far as aesthetics. I'll keep this one forever though since I had a couple good blogs in here. Also, it was my first REAL blog. I can actually go back to it and say to myself, "Damn, so that's what I did that day! That's awesome." yada yada. It's important for me to blog here and there, especially since I'm in college now. There's plenty of things going on for me.. well at least there should be. I've actually been feeling lonely lately, now that everybody's off doing their own things in their own worlds. I suppose I'm just in the stage where I'm obligated to move on, get over some of those old friends and acquaintances, and venture out into a new world where I can start fresh and meet new friends or important people. Ya see, that's one reason why it's a great idea to blog. When I'm in the next chapter of my life, I'll be able to look back at all this jargon/gibberish and reflect, learn, laugh, and perhaps cry at all these little snippets of my life. Moreover, I could care less if nobody bothers to read these because it's really for my own enjoyment as well as self-reflection. However, I do know for a fact I'll have loved ones whom I'll be happy to share these with. Well, I'm off now to study some terms for Anatomy 32 (I'm a Nursing major, duh.) cause I've got a nice, sexy quiz today. My awesome Psych 5 professor decided not to show up today, so luckily I've had quite a bit of time to study and what not.

Catch the rest of my days @
